
Webcomic Spotlight: Mysteries of the Arcana


Mysteries of the Arcana is a Fantasy webcomic and fellow member of the Webcomic Planet Collective. Inspired by Tarot the story involves travel to different universes, or ‘Arcana’ as they are called. As such it is, literally, a colliding of worlds. There are many weird and wonderful creatures to encounter with elements from several different genres all mixed together creating a big a tasty stew! It’s difficult to anticipate what happens next as each universe is different, bringing together a great variety of magic, technology and, erm, stuff!

The story (written by J. Gray) moves quickly, getting across the important points as briefly as possible and then moving on. The art (by Keith W.) matches it perfectly, communicating just enough information and impact. But skip a bit and you’ll be confused so you need to read the whole thing.

The main characters are Chys and Theresa. Chrys is a Bisexual elf and experienced Arcana traveller. She’s on a mission to save her Mother and so far the story concentrates on that. Theresa is a Catholic from Earth and entirely new to all this. She’s a bit grim but has her funny side.

But so far my favorite character is Mandrake the Faerie! Because I love Faeries and she is awesome! So go check out Mysteries of the Arcana – easy to pick up, hard to put down. It’s one of the few webcomics I’m actually up-to-date with. Now how’s that for a recommendation!