Pg 57: Amuletts Laments

This Week in Epic Fail: Everyone is delighted they got given so much money but Amuletts is lamenting that it wasn’t more.

Creator’s Commentary: Big surprise there! Yeah… I don’t think you learn anything new about the characters from this page that you didn’t already know :p  I suppose you may not have realised quite how much pride Amuletts takes in her greed. It really means a lot to her that she’s better at it than anyone else. She’s worked hard at those character flaws dammit!

I had a go at a few different expressions here. Amuletts is meant to have a thousand mile stare in frame one but I’m not sure it worked out; I’m tempted to edit it so her ears are drooping a bit there as well. My intent was that she be sticking her lower lip out in panel three. Dirk is supposed to be rolling his eyes in the fouth panel and sneering in the fifth. As always critique welcome; I’m trying to push my skill further where I can.

I’m moving house at the weekend. Wish me luck!