Pg 18: The Name Game

Tinuvielle makes a speedy exit, narrowly escaping a kiss goodbye from Amuletts.  Clodin, Martin and Dirk continue to discuss group names.  Amuletts joins in, but only has one suggestion, which is soon quashed.

Hmm, I can’t seem to help myself with these references to geek pop-culture.  Tinuvielle’s 7 is a reference to Blake’s 7, the cult sci-fi show.  Its name belied its content: the cast of characters frequently fluctuated and rarely added up to seven, and Blake himself left the series!

The name Amuletts wanted to suggest is The Wanderers of Wonder.

In other news my buffer has run out!  Oh woe is me!

Pg 17: Too much Justice

Much to Tinuvielles discomfort Amuletts continues to be intensely affectionate and rather flirtatious. She attempts to politely get away but Amuletts pursues her to ‘see her off.’ The rest of the party consider what the group ought to be called. Dirk, being a Paladin, wants a name with ‘Justice’ in, but every name he suggests has already been used.

I’m not sure whether I’ve mentioned this before but Amuletts is a person who enjoys testing boundaries, and this is what she is doing with Tinuvielle here.

The pose taken by Clodin, Dirk and Martin is parodying a famous picture of The Justice League Unlimited. Dirk is in the position of Superman, Martin Spiderman, and Clodin Wonder Woman! I hope that gives you all a chuckle.

Fathers for Justice (or Fathers 4 Justice as Google reliably informs me) is a Fathers’ Rights organisation famous for its high-publicity stunts whilst dressed as super heroes.

Pg 16: GLOMP!

This week in Epic Fail: Tinuvielle decides she’s hung around long enough and takes her leave.  She receives a very affectionate goodbye from Amuletts and is not quite sure how to respond.

Pg 14: The Decision

Clodin bids a gold piece for Amuletts’ vote.  Dirk is horrified.  Amuletts attempts to draw Martin into a bidding war, but he refuses to co-operate, even though the position of leader is at stake.  He points out that they are best friends and and perhaps that should be of value.  As she considers the dwarf holds up a shining gold piece and grins.

Pg 13: Party Politics

This Week in Epic Fail: The party take a vote to decide who will become the leader.  They foolishly leave Amuletts with the deciding vote, who promptly asks who will bid for it.  Dirk is horrified, but Amuletts maintains she is staying true to the spirit of politics.

Creator’s Commentary: Trying to draw Amuletts rubbing her hands together was sheer hell.  You may wonder why Tinuvielle and Dirk voted the way they did.  Well, Dirk is banking on dwarves reputations for being lawful, and Tinuvielle believes she has Martin wrapped around her little finger.

Pg 10: Ground 1; Dirk Nil

This week in Epic Fail: With either incredibly good or incredibly bad timing Amuletts orders Andy to release Dirk just when he happens to be straining to his utmost. Gravity plays its part; Dirk falls on his arse. Tinuvielle helps him up, and berates him sternly for allowing himself to be baited. He resolves never to let it happen again. This is put to the test immediately when Amuletts decides to create an illusion re-enacting his fall.

Creator’s Commentary: I wasn’t sure whether this page was going to work out, because it has a lot of Dirk in it and his character design was the least worked out. But now it’s all done I think it’s pretty funny. *Snigger*

Pg 9: This isn’t the argument you’re looking for

This week in Epic Fail: Amuletts, exasperated by Clodins stubbornness, laments that Martin paid her so little. Hearing this the dwarf is even more outraged. Amuletts realises she has hit a brick wall and, growing impatient, uses the force magic to manipulate him.  It works.  Clodin accepts her apology,  however, Dirk is still being held by her minion, Andy Roid.  She thinks it is funny, but agrees to order his release after Tinuvielle threatens her.  Tinuvielle is most embarrassed to discover Amuletts finds her ‘cute.’

Creator’s Commentary: So now you’ve been introduced the main abilities Amuletts receives from her God, Loki.  She can produce fire and use a minor charm spell (like the Force magic can have a strong influence on the weak-minded).   These mimic abilities the deity himself has, but are far less powerful.  Unlike normal spells they require no preparation and are used at will, so she tends to throw them off rather casually.

Pg 6: Just fight amongst yourselves…

This week in Epic Fail: Despite Dirk’s efforts fighting has broken out between Clodin and Amuletts. The King isn’t happy and hints at dire consequences.

Creator’s Commentary: So, we have our first fight scene, and it’s infighting.  I’m not sure how well this scene flows, especially with Dirk and the Golem (known as Andy Roid), but hopefully it makes sense.

Amuletts is my namesake.  I use it a lot online.  I decided I wanted a nickname like Trillian (Patricia McMillan) from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.  So I joined Amy Letts together by bastardising the U.  Of course, using variants and anagrams of your own name is a long-standing tradition in rpgs, originating from the great Gygax himself (Zagyg being the most obvious example).

Pg 4: Some messengers are asking to be shot

So, the messenger delivers her message (if you thought she was a man you are forgiven.  I drew her pretty androgynous to add to her mystery.  But in page 1, frame 8 you can see the curve of her left boobie).  In case you haven’t guessed she is a lead-in character, and you probably won’t see her again.  That said she has quite a strong personality and I will miss her.  She is determined and practical.

Not there are a lot of mistakes on this page.  “Shoot mess-anger” is one, Tinuvielle’s left arm is another.  I won’t point out the others.  Perhaps you won’t notice them. Mistake fixed!